Search Results
[GBF] Yuel (Water) | Mei 2023 re-balance update Showcase
[GBF] Rebalanced Yuel (Water) Showcase
Granblue Fantasy - Cagliostro (Summer) and Yuel (Water SSR) Look and Showcase
Granblue Fantasy - Altair (Water) May 2023 Rebalance Look and Showcase
[GBF] Water Yuel Rebalance Showcase - Shiva Solo Full Auto - Water Magna Manadiver【グラブル】
【Granblue Fantasy】First Impressions on Yukata Siegfried & Summer Yuel Rebalance (12th Sept Update)
【アビダメ祭り】 強すぎ!(条件付き) バランス調整後 水着ユエルお試し【グラブル】| Rebalance Summer Yuel Showcase (She's strong) [GBF]
毎ターン650万ダメ! バランス調整後水ユエルお試し【グラブル】| Rebalance Water Yuel Showcase (She's strong) [GBF]
Granblue Fantasy - Societte (Water) 5* (FLB) and Rebalance Look and Showcase
[GBF] Yuel (Summer) Rebalance Showcase
[GBF] Yuel (Water) Rebalance Showcase (ft. Societte)
[GBF] Yuel Rebalance Showcase : Beelzebub Solo Water Crit Magna Feat.RuneSlayer,Societte,Feower